Antivax Podcast Pack Media Files

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Antivax 4.1: On the first episode we have a discussion about why people believe what they believe. Where do we get our knowledge? What sources do we trust? In other words, it’s all about epistemology and heuristics. STREAM or DOWNLOAD 

Antivax 4.2: On this episode we take a look at the History Of Vaccinations & the story of Andrew Wakefield. STREAM or DOWNLOAD 

Antivax 4.3: We went looking for a list of claims antivaxxers use NOT to vaccinate. Today we’ll look at the first two.  Claim #1. Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective. Claim #2. Vaccines do NOT work. STREAM or DOWNLOAD 

Antivax 4.4: We’re still breaking down antivax claim number 2 from last time and dealing with the claims that “Whenever the outbreaks are examined more closely, the data show that the majority of those suffering have been vaccinated for the disease. Disease charts show that diseases were mostly eliminated prior to the creation of vaccinations. What is truly responsible for most communicable disease elimination is clean water and improved sanitation.” STREAM or DOWNLOAD 

Antivax 4.5: Let’s look at another two antivax claims: that the very first vaccine was a disaster and that vaccines are highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies and the health care industry. STREAM or DOWNLOAD 

Antivax 4.6: We wrap up our antivax mini-series by looking at another antivax claim: “All vaccines contain a number of toxic poisons and chemicals that are linked to serious neurological damage”. We talk about Robert Kennedy Jr, thimerosal, and the difference between methyl vs ethyl mercury. STREAM or DOWNLOAD